Episode 96: Releasing the Inner Governors with Richard Taubinger and Kylie Slavik

Aug 10, 2023 | Podcast

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There are many governors in our lives that often slow us down and limit our potential. And some of them we believed to be true growing up. But these ideas are what actually hold us back from growth and success. 

As entrepreneurs and conscious marketers, the only true governor you have is yourself.

Now’s the time for us to identify these inner governors and let them go. Open your eyes to the endless possibilities of what is out there for you.

Tune in to this new episode of The Conscious Marketer podcast — Releasing the Inner Governors with Richard Taubinger and Kylie Slavik.

Key points covered in this episode:

[00:00:00] Introduction

[00:06:54] Quit playing it safe. Sometimes, we overthink and doubt whether people really need our offers. You’ll never know until you try. Don’t aspire for perfection on the first try. You have the ability to pivot when you need to.

[00:11:30] Your business model and choice of the market can restrain you. Open yourself to testing out new models that might be better for your product or service. With the internet, you’re playing at a global scale – don’t hesitate to recalibrate your business.

[00:14:13] Rethink your current pricing. If everybody’s saying yes to your offers, your price is too low. Set it a little bit higher than you’re comfortable with, but not too high that it gets you sweating when saying it.

The Conscious Marketing Movement is all about building a community of conscious leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs. 


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In appreciation,  

Richard Taubinger & Kylie Slavik

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