Soulful people ask us all the time…
 “What does it take to put myself out into the world in a way that is both authentic and profitable?”

Success is first rooted in
who you are.

Over the last 15 years of supporting visionaries to go online, we’ve seen firsthand, over and over, that success is first rooted in who you are. If you’re determined, committed, and dedicated to bring your vision to life so that you can touch a lot of people … you’re halfway there.

Richard Taubinger & Kylie Slavik

The second half of the equation
is the method you use.

That’s where we come in. At the ready to help you communicate authentically with your ideal audience and build your business based on what you (and your fans) value the most.

Our approach combines proprietary storytelling methods, a time-tested framework for crafting offers that people already want, an easy-to-execute sequence that moves you through your launch from start-to-finish, and a membership that helps you to consistently create content that is less about selling and more about serving.

Richard Taubinger & Kylie Slavik

All of this to help you build your ideal audience and a financially successful business in a way that feels aligned and genuine.

We’ve tested this unique blend of consciousness with marketing through 350 successful product launches and over 200,000 courses sold… all in the transformational markets. What works in other markets doesn’t work in ours, so we’ve taken a different approach.

Richard Taubinger & Kylie Slavik


Our Values

We believe the success of a business rests on the foundation of its Core Values: beliefs, intentions and principles that act as touchstones, day in and day out. These are the values that guide us at Conscious Marketer:

Highest Good

Whether we’re creating a new marketing campaign or helping others with theirs, we consistently and intentionally ask ourselves “Does this serve the Highest Good?” to ensure that we are leading with integrity, impeccability and good energy.


Truth is a tricky word in the world today. For us, this means both speaking what is true from the heart, and also communicating the truth about things that might feel hard or difficult to address. We believe that to be conscious, we also must be truthful.


It takes courage to be seen in the world. To be a voice of change and take a stand to act on what we believe in. At Conscious Marketer, we’re committed to acting with courage each and every day, while helping our students and clients to do the same.

High Performance

The world of marketing is vast and wide, so we know that it takes nothing short of high performance to stand out and make a difference. We consistently strive to improve the caliber of what we offer and how we deliver it, always committed to evolving with excellence.

Caring Deeply

There is no way we could do what we do without caring deeply. We invest whole-heartedly in the efforts of our clients, doing our best to step into your shoes so that we can track your journey with intention and presence.


We champion overdelivery in every aspect of our business. Not in a way that creates imbalance, but that brings more value and essential content to our clients. Because we believe that every time we overdeliver, we’re helping more people make lasting change in the world.

Our Origins

Conscious Marketer came into being over 15 years ago. During that time, we’ve worked intensively with some of the top mindfulness instructors, therapists, trauma specialists, and transformational coaches around the globe, bringing their teachings to life online through the agency branch of our company.

In 2020, we decided it was time to pivot and start sharing our conscious marketing framework with heart-centered creators that wanted to understand how to navigate the online world while remaining true to themselves and their values.

To learn about our history, scroll down to see our client portfolio.

To learn about how our methods and models can help YOU attract your ideal audience and scale your online presence, click the button below for more information about our Conscious Marketer training programs.

 Meet Your Guides

Richard Taubinger

CEO, Conscious Marketer

Richard founded Conscious Marketer with the simple idea to serve conscious businesses, entrepreneurs and publishers by helping them get accelerated growth through online marketing so they could make a positive impact in the world. He is passionate about helping others create “inner transformation” and then to find ways to express that via professional fields such as therapy and movement arts as well as in entrepreneurship and the business world.

Richard has a background in investment management, higher education and digital publishing. He holds an MBA from University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) retired status. He splits his time between Barcelona, Spain and Maine, USA as well as travels to do trainings and to work with clients on-site with his team.

Kylie Slavik

Director of Storytelling & Brand Development

As a former spoken-word artist, Kylie discovered that grabbing attention and winning hearts works the same in marketing as it does in art. With very little experience, her first ads reached millions while also generating 150 high-ticket sales. Since then, she’s become one of the most trusted storytelling mentors and copywriters in the transformational industry.

Kylie has helped thousands of visionaries be more authentic in their marketing while reaching the right audience with their message. Her goal is to transform human consciousness and the quality of life on planet Earth for all beings by helping entrepreneurs, practitioners, and spiritual people share their truth with the world in a bigger way.

Richard Taubinger

 Meet Your Guides

Richard Taubinger

CEO, Conscious Marketer

Richard founded Conscious Marketer with the simple idea to serve conscious businesses, entrepreneurs and publishers by helping them get accelerated growth through online marketing so they could make a positive impact in the world. He is passionate about helping others create “inner transformation” and then to find ways to express that via professional fields such as therapy and movement arts as well as in entrepreneurship and the business world.

Richard has a background in investment management, higher education and digital publishing. He holds an MBA from University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) retired status. He splits his time between Barcelona, Spain and Maine, USA as well as travels to do trainings and to work with clients on-site with his team.

Kylie Slavik

Kylie Slavik

Director of Storytelling & Brand Development

As a former spoken-word artist, Kylie discovered that grabbing attention and winning hearts works the same in marketing as it does in art. With very little experience, her first ads reached millions while also generating 150 high-ticket sales. Since then, she’s become one of the most trusted storytelling mentors and copywriters in the transformational industry.

Kylie has helped thousands of visionaries be more authentic in their marketing while reaching the right audience with their message. Her goal is to transform human consciousness and the quality of life on planet Earth for all beings by helping entrepreneurs, practitioners, and spiritual people share their truth with the world in a bigger way.

Our Team of Experts


Sarah Kruz

Social Media Expert & Project Manager


Letitia Berlucchi

Source Concierge & Project Manager


Malia Smith

Project Manager & Customer Care Manager


Marina Orlovskaya

Customer Care Expert


Julia McPherson

CRM & Technical Expert

Cassie Clouser

Cassie Clouser

Branding & Design Expert


Mason Betsch

Advertising Expert


Keli Kuwahara

Videography Expert


Here’s what others are saying about working with Conscious Marketer.

“When it comes to working with people who are allergic to marketing, Richard Taubinger is a genius.He intuitively sense a path forward that matches the audience’s needs with your unique gifts.”

– Tami Simon, Founder of Sounds True

“When it comes to working with people who are allergic to marketing, Richard Taubinger is a genius.He intuitively sense a path forward that matches the audience’s needs with your unique gifts.”

– Tami Simon, Founder of Sounds True

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