Episode 75: Leveraging Your Status (Part 2) with Richard Taubinger and Kylie Slavik

Mar 2, 2023 | Podcast

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Gone are the days when the only way to become a household name is to appear on popular radio and television shows. Today, entrepreneurs can maximize multiple methods to enhance their status. 

Tune in to the ᴄᴏɴꜱᴄɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴍᴀʀᴋᴇᴛᴇʀ podcast ▶️ Leveraging Your Status (Part 2) 

Key points covered in this episode: 

[00:00:59] Welcome to Part II on Leveraging Your Status! We give you a few more ideas about how to maximize people and platforms to increase your influence in the market. 

[02:16] Status builder #1: Third-party validation. Suppose you’re just starting and you don’t have thousands of followers, learn to borrow the credibility of people that people are institutions that your audience connects with, looks up to, and believes in.

[00:04:46] Richard teaches you to piggyback on the giants supporting your industry and what you’re doing. You’re promoting them and yourself at the same time. 

[00:05:16] Name your system, product, or formula. The most talented creators who have built a name for themselves have unique positioning and created their signature products. Start to think through a multi-layer approach to naming whatever it is that you teach or whatever it is that you’re offering. 

[07:51] Yourunique mechanism.”  Whether you’re a trauma healer, a shamanic practitioner, or an acupuncturist, your ideal client may have already seen the transformational results you promised. But what they probably haven’t seen is your system. Give them that.

[09:56] Be relevant and stay in the consumer’s mind.  We cannot emphasize enough why posting consistently is essential. People attribute status to how often they see you. 

[11:40] Kylie teaches four types of content, so you don’t run out of ideas. Discover which of your unique stories matches what your clients are currently experiencing and take them through the struggles you’ve confronted that they are likely facing in their own lives. When telling your narrative, highlight your transformation and even those you’ve already worked with. Paint a picture of what life was like before, why it changed, and what it is now. 

[15:09] Who are the people you serve? Make it your aim to build that connection with your target audience and let them feel the benefits when they decide to become your clients. Allow them to see the possibility of you being able to help them too. 

#consciousbusiness #authenticmarketing #contentcreation 


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In appreciation,  

Richard Taubinger & Kylie Slavik

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