Episode 57: Making Guarantees in Your Offer with Richard Taubinger and Kylie Slavik

Oct 13, 2022 | Podcast

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Some products and services promise you 10x the results or $1M in 7 days. Sounds attractive, right?

But are these flashy tactics something you’d want to apply in your own guarantee for your products and services?

As long as you go with what’s right for you, know how to protect yourself from false claims, and be clear in what you have to offer.

Tune in to this new episode of The Conscious Marketer podcast — Making Guarantees in Your Offer with Richard Taubinger and Kylie Slavik.

Key points covered in this episode:

[00:06:04] Assess each refund request. You may not want to advertise that you’re fine with giving refunds. But if the need arises, consider your buyer’s case.

[00:07:33] Create a refund window. It can be 24 hours, a week, or even a year. Even if you have a great product, you need to set policies that won’t hurt your credit score.

[00:11:54] Protect yourself from false claims. Some people buy your product, don’t use it, and blame you for not getting results. Make your terms clear upfront.

[00:14:26] Emphasize the need for action. Tell your buyers that you don’t promise results, only a complete toolbox for them to do what they need to do. They must do their part to make it work.

[00:16:05] Add heart and soul. The most read pieces in an email are the guarantee and the P.S. Be creative and let your genuine care and personality show through your messaging.


The Conscious Marketing Movement is all about building a community of conscious leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs. 


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In appreciation,  

Richard Taubinger & Kylie Slavik

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