Discover Your Unique Marketing Path…

Take the Marketing Archetype Quiz

In less than 2 minutes, you will discover: 

  • Your primary marketing archetype, what it says about your unique marketing powers, your strengths, and how you add value
  • Potential pitfalls to avoid when bringing your ideas into the world in a much bigger way
  • 3 steps you can take to bring your marketing efforts to the next level, while remaining aligned with your gifts and values

About Conscious Marketer:

Our mission at Conscious Marketer is to help 1 million conscious creators reach more people, launch their offers, and make a powerful positive impact on the world.

As the leader in the transformational marketing space, over the last 15 years, we have already been part of 300+ successful launches and sold over 100,000 online programs representing over $50m in online sales.

We believe each individual has a higher purpose and that their message and gifts are needed by the world, especially at this time. We believe marketing should provide value in advance and by doing so we connect with those who need our help and that we can serve.

We help creators say yes to their destiny and higher calling, market their message with love, and show up online in a way that uplifts and benefits humanity. 

We do this by offering powerful training experiences, life-changing mentoring programs, and live events that teach all aspects of conscious online marketing including strategy, launches, storytelling, advertising, and community building. 

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