For anyone looking to Start, Scale or Expand in 2024 and beyond…

Discover How to Tell Your Origin Story in Just 7 Days With a Proven Process to Become the Go To Expert, Attract an Audience & Get More Clients with Ease with the 7-Day Origin Story Formula Workshop

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Dear Creator, Visionary, Alchemist, and Change the World-er,

What do Hopi Elders, Steve Jobs, and LinkedIn all have in common?

They have all said things like:

“Storytelling is the most important skill to master in business for the next 5 years.” 

“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.”

“Those who tell the stories rule the world.” 

You may or may not realize it but the truth is that your story is your #1 asset because nobody else has it. Without my story I am just another marketer in a sea of folks who claim the same career path. I don’t want you to be “just another” creator, author, coach, healer, or entrepreneur, etc. I want you to stand out, be seen, get heard, and get new clients with ease while doing it. 

This is how you make a bigger impact while also increasing your income. You can change lives (and the world) by telling your story…but there is an art and science to it. You need to tell your story well so that it lands for people. So they see themselves in your own journey and see you as the person they want to work with on their journey.

I come from a spoken word artist background where I got to see the audience reaction to my words in real time from the stage. I remember what it felt like to have eyes glaze over when I was reciting what I had just spent at least 20 hours writing and memorizing. My best friend at that time told me “tell more stories!” When I did that those glazed eyes turned to tears, laughter and head nods. I had found my voice.

Not too long after that I got a job in the internet marketing space and someone asked me to write a Facebook™ ad which I had no idea how to do. I rolled up my sleeves and followed the storytelling method I discovered after doing so much poetry – and the ad went viral enrolling 150 women into a high ticket program in just 12 weeks. 

I had NO marketing experience or training. I was clueless, bad at tech, no experience writing copy, and AWFUL at making videos.

But I told folks’ Origin Stories and it worked. An Origin Story shows where you come from, how you got great at what you do, sharing challenges and how you overcame them, what some of your vulnerabilities are, and why people should trust you. Once you accomplish all of this you become magnetic in your marketing and “sales” becomes so much easier… even if you don’t like marketing/sales or find it intimidating! 

Since that ad campaign I’ve helped 1000s of good hearted folks land big podcast interviews, sell their first high ticket package, increase spa sales by 700% in a typically slow month, sell more books, increase their coaching revenue by 50%, win competitive grants, squash an anti-solar bill, increase enrollment in their yoga studio, and so much more.

In this 7-Day Origin Story Formula Workshop I promise to give you everything I’ve got on finding the one story that works the best in any niche that will make your mark on your market so that getting results gets that much easier.

Don’t be the best kept secret in your industry. Don’t allow time to pass you by while your dreams stay on the back burner. Tell your story and watch what happens. And when you see results hit me up and I will feature you in one or more of our campaigns.

With love and to your great story,

Kylie Slavik, Brand Storyteller at Conscious Marketer

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Beth Martens

“My Mom dies, I’m lost. Especially for my business. I ask the Divine for a breadcrumb to follow and it leads me to Kylie Slavik. I don’t know how I know, but I’m making the best investment for my business and possibly my soul. 

A few months into it I booked several speaking opportunities, got a high ticket client from one Facebook™ post, landed a marketing position with a local transformational movement and have clarity on my vision to see humanity return to a more natural state. I also got my client on a podcast with 6,000,000 listeners. 

Kylie is a genius marketer who is oozing integrity and a deeply inspired soul. I’m in awe of her mission to be part of solving the craziness on this planet. It literally fuels me and inspires me to create my vision.”

– Beth Martens, Founder/Author of Journey: A Map Of Archetypes To Find Lost Purpose In A Sea Of Meaninglessness

Amanda Daley
“In one hour strategizing with Kylie we co-created a plan that nearly tripled my enrollment into my group program in 3 days!”

– Amanda Daley, Coach

What Story Has Done For My Clients

  • Helped them make high tickets sales for the first time ever
  • Double and triple program sales in the very last minute of their launches
  • Start a new brand from scratch and have it go global – breaking into the hugely untapped Spanish speaking personal development market 
  • Get a TEDx talk in Italy 
  • Get 50% of webinar attendees apply for an enrollment call with just a few hundred people on the call
  • Land podcast interviews with millions of listeners to an audience who was hungry for their wisdom 
  • Sell millions of dollars of online courses for healers, authors, coaches, holistic pet food companies, eco laundry brands, and more 
  • Double and triple ROI on Facebook™ – sometimes getting high quality optins for $1 and $2 
  • Sell out small live events and bring in excellent backend sales 
  • Sell more photography at a local art show 
  • Help get their clients better results – landing on podcasts and increasing new client sales
  • Get a competitive grant in Texas for an anti human trafficking organization 
  • Help to stop an anti solar bill that would have made solar energy illegal in parts of Florida
  • Get new high paying clients from nothing but a few stories on social media
  • Train their teams on how to make a better emotional connection with their clients
  • And much, much more

What Happened For Me When I Shared My Story

When I share a few of my wins here I want to make one thing crystal clear. My results are not because of KYLIE, they are because of STORY. I want to pass that magic wand off to you to amplify your dreams, visions and results. 

I don’t say ANY OF THIS to sound braggadocious… I share it to open your mind to the endless possibilities that story is just WAITING to open up for you.

Here’s a bit about what STORY has selflessly given to me as long as I remain a humble student of the craft. 

  • Helped to sell out thousands of online programs for conscious entrepreneurs in “noisy niches” through story based launches
  • Became the Brand Storyteller for a top launch agency in the transformational industry – Conscious Marketer 
  • Sold out group programs with nothing more than a few story based emails… no complex funnels or sales calls
  • Sold 50% of paid webinar attendees into one on one coaching sessions
  • Got invited to speak on stages at small and medium sized events 
  • Got invited to share my story on top rated storytelling podcasts 
  • Asked to write emails for the story consultant to Google, NASA, Facebook™, Uber and other top tech companies
  • Created story based ads on LinkedIn that sold high ticket offers when everyone told me “LinkedIn ads don’t work!”
  • Got 10 publishing houses and 4 agents interested in my book proposal (I didn’t get the book deal in the end but I’m still going to write that thing!)
  • Built my email list for free because other leaders in my field invited me to teach and train inside their communities

I am telling you all of this because I’m not anything special, I just spent time and money learning to tell magnetic stories – if I can do it, and if most of my clients can do it – you can DEFINITELY do it. 

Watch the training directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Your Proven 7-Day Origin Story Map

Here’s Everything You’re Getting For Only $27.00 Today

Day 1

DAY 1:

Why Your Origin Story is Your #1 Asset

If your soul won’t fit into a generic marketing box, sharing your story is the best way forward. Day 1 will help you overcome the most common blocks to telling it, like “nobody wants to hear my story,” or “do I even have one?” Plus learn the best places to share your Origin Story once you create it.

Day 2

DAY 2:

Your Backstory

Want people to resonate with you on a heart, soul and values level? Tell your backstory. Inspire folks to invest with you, as you forge a powerful bond with them. Position yourself as the expert, while remaining heart centered and human.

Day 3

DAY 3:

Defining Moment & Decision

What inspired you to do the work you do today? When you share this part of your journey, people trust you more. Showcase your talent without feeling braggy or weird. When you show your conviction – people connect with you!

Day 4

DAY 4:

Overcoming Challenges

Stories are not stories without challenges and the growth that comes as a result. Sharing our challenges inspires folks to lean in, like us more, and buy. Discover the difference between being vulnerable and “oversharing.”

Day 5

DAY 5:

The Result

Reveal the end of the story and how you transformed, which shows people why they can trust you to help them achieve a result that they want. Create a sense of safety which makes a buying decision easy and simple for the people who need your work.

Day 6

DAY 6:

Your Why & Invitation

Show people why you care about them, and why their transformation matters to you. Invite folks to participate in something that is meaningful to them, instead of a traditional Call to Action that feels impersonal. Make it conversational. It doesn’t have to be separate from the story.

Day 7

DAY 7:

Putting it All Together Plus a Q&A

Tie all the pieces together into one magnetic story. Tap your natural gifts and tell the story in a way that feels best to you. Learn a method to create, and recreate it over time.

Watch the training directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Here’s What Others Are Saying About Sharing Their Story

“It started from my deepest desire to make an impact. I had the vision of what this company is truly about. I knew what it would stand for. I knew what I wasn’t willing to trade off to do “business as usual.” I was clear about my past experiences in our industry and what wasn’t working for me. And that’s not to make anything about the past good or bad. It’s just I had my OWN unique vision and I wasn’t going to do it if it wasn’t in alignment. 

I made a very high ticket sale a DAY after I added my personal story to my website, even though I struggled through parts of it. My client directly told me ‘I am buying from you because I relate so much to the story I read on your site.’

I filled my Empowered Woman retreat in Mexico with just 3 story based emails we worked on together (to a relatively unresponsive email list I had left over from my last business.) 

I did all this OUTSIDE of the business and marketing niche, which so many people think they have to stay inside of in order to ‘make money.’ I am so proud of this and I would LOVE to show people that you can actually do it your way… it was made possible through our collaboration Kylie.”

Paula Lacobara Tatro

CEO at Empowered Woman

“The first time I ran a FB™ ad I got 200 leads for my client in just a few days!”

Daniel Iverson


“As a Thought leader, I’ve always had trouble with my signature origin story. I’ve never known how to be truthful about all the crazy adversity that I came from without tanking my audiences and feeling overexposed in that process. 

And thank ambivalence has caused me to hold myself back, passing up speaking gigs and not scale my business. Working with Kylie changed everything! She is a genius who showed me how to share myself authentically in a way that’s both inspirational and that connects me to my audience without blowing them out. And I get to keep my boundaries and stay honest at the same time. 

The results are nothing short of miraculous! After just one mailing of my new story, my list is excited, engaged and buying my stuff like crazy. And now I know what to say when I speak that can empower others as well as myself. Bottom line: If you’re lucky enough to get the chance to work with Kylie, jump on it!”

Wendy Hart


“I’ve been in Kansas since July 1st. Since I have been here I’ve had all the time to apply all the things I’ve learned (in another course that Kylie taught.) I have made more money than I have ever made, even though the amount may seem small to some.

With all the traveling and classes, I didn’t have time to implement like I would have liked to, but once I was in a spot and had time to focus on marketing, bookings exploded. 

I’ve sold out all my events and I fully expect to continue now that I am moving South and getting settled.

I know my numbers aren’t huge to some, but I spent the last 6 months making less than $1,000 a month, so they are incredible to me. Just wanted to share that. Also, it no longer feels like I’m doing something wrong. I felt before marketing was very manipulative but this is different.”

Melinda Mae Miller

Psychic Medium

“I used story and got over 300 people to come to an event at the Florida School of Massage, which was a huge turnout.

I wanted to also sell my photography at that event and I thought, if I even sell $5 I would be happy! I sold 100 times more than that using story, the most I ever sold in one night!

I also created an in the moment fundraiser there and raised money for food for people in Venezuela, and we’re regularly been sending supplies down there, all through story!”

Chrissy Martinez

Massage Therapist, Photographer, and Musician

“You know when you meet that right person that over delivers on everything you can possibly think of? This shout-out won’t give it justice but I just want to let you all know that working with Kylie has been one of the best investments in my business because this woman is a genius.

Implementing her advice got my Facebook™ ads down 3 times, and people are still sending us great feedback on the story we have crafted with Kylie. I finally feel like I connect with my clients emotionally. 

From uncovering my story that impacts people without me even doing a thing now to giving me digital marketing advice that uplevels my business within hours (I really mean that), Kylie is a treasure we all seek but rarely find. My team now listens to the recordings of the sessions we had with Kylie, and they say they’ve learned more from them than from their favorite podcasts, so yes, she’s that unbelievably awesome!” 

Daria Zest

Business Success Coach for Women

“From just one story strategy I learned from Kylie, I nearly doubled my sales for my launch in two days.” 

Jen Mavros

Business Coach

“Through sharing my stories, I’ve shared my own journey and my vulnerabilities. In removing a veneer of ‘perfection’ I’ve shared more of myself: my foibles and struggles. Going more public with this ‘real’ side of me has enabled me to improve my connection with my readers, upped engagement, and improved my business’ sales by 50%.

But more importantly, it has also allowed me to tap back into where I was and who I was previously, when I was standing in my reader’s shoes. It’s reconnected me to why I do my work in the first place, and just how much my work can transform my clients’ lives.” 

Rosy Paterson

Founder & Coach to Women at Living Rosy

“I shared one story strategy Kylie shared with me with my client and she went out and made more money than she’d ever made in just 4 weeks.”

Chanelle Segerius-Bru

“Running a high growth purpose-driven company I need a team that understands my vision, mission and values and can support me in bringing that to life. Kylie has a brilliance I have not encountered anywhere in the industry. She took my vision and jumped on board with my team seamlessly.

She brought my story and work into the world through dynamic copy that converted and went viral in a span of hours (not days or weeks!) adding thousands of new ideal clients to my existing list. 

She is an endless supply of high level marketing strategies and launch support. I am honored to work with Kylie. If you have the opportunity to work with Kylie, do it now, it’s a game changer!”

Sarah Kaler

CEO at Soul Powered

“Working with Kylie has completely redefined my capacity as a storyteller and Light Leader. I’ve always been a creative and poetic writer, but it was like pulling teeth to create marketing messages that moved my tribe into action.

The depth of love and wisdom Kylie puts into everything she touches has not only turned me into a full-on nerd for all things Archetype and story, but I have also made more money, more impact, and more influence than ever before.

She helps me land my creative Indigo Child “plane” so that I can do the work I’m here to do in a way that deliciously turns on my soul. If you ever have the chance to co-create magic with Kylie, do not go, do not collect $200. Just say yes… and get to work.

Nikka Karli

Women’s Embodiment Mentor & Storyteller

Top 3 Reasons Folks Don’t Share Their Story Enough…

I don’t have a story!

My friend Jeffrey likes to say “You don’t have to have a Mt. Kilimanjaro story to have a story!” Meaning, if you haven’t ran a marathon in the desert with no water like Wim Hof or swam across the English channel in winter… you still have something important to share.

A simple story about your family, your work, your relationships and what you’ve learned can move people to take action and make the world a better place. When they get to peek into a window of your life they are more likely to buy.

Nobody wants to hear my story!

Nothing could be further from the truth. In order to get to know, like and trust somebody we have to hear their story. Everybody that we like, love and admire is because they have trusted us with their story. My friend Michael likes to say that folks will trust you with their story once you have trusted them with yours. 

Storytelling creates the bonding hormone Oxytocin which means every time you share your story you are drawing people closer to you. This is the same feeling we get after sex, eating chocolate, or what a new mother feels for her newborn even after the baby keeps her up all night every night. It also stimulates dopamine which is the motivational chemical. So when people hear your story not only do they feel connected to you – they also feel motivated to make change in their lives based on the wisdom you have just shared with them. 

Our brains are literally hardwired for story. There is no way out of this. We evolved around storytelling and our brains would stop evolving without them.

I’m a bad writer or storyteller.

My former client Paula told me a long time ago that she had to have a copywriter because English was not her first language and she felt awkward about writing in English. I worked with her on her storytelling for a while and not only did she get more confident, she fired her copywriter! Shortly after that she sold out a $5,000 retreat in Mexico with just a few emails, went on to tell her story to get a TEDx talk, and is now tapping into the Spanish speaking personal development market (which is huge.)

If Paula can fire her copywriter and achieve amazing results in her business through storytelling, so can you. You have everything she had when she started and in most cases, likely more.

Join me for the 7-Day Origin Story Formula Workshop

For Only $27.00 Today

In the 7-Day Origin Story Formula I am giving you everything I’ve got on telling the most important story you could ever tell inside your business to get results you probably can’t even imagine right now.

Ready to lock arms and get it done? Let’s do it!

I can’t wait to hear about your results and feature you in one of our campaigns or launches. 


Watch the training directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

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This product is brought to you and copyrighted by Conscious, LLC

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